MaxxedOutMC Is hacking with speed and the prof is at IreanPlayz Irean
Xx_AbiiG_xX and iToastinq set warps that are death traps on survival in someone's house
Xx_AbiiG_xX is killing Titans on KitPvP with /kit fight
I would help everyone in need I'll make sure that there will be no haking. If there is a hacker I'll report and make sure who ever is haking will...
Merakul is stalking everyone on the server then started to fly
Merakul is taragrting every ones house and everone SAID LEAVE
I want to help people in need with hackers playing and protecting them from every one
Globla for the server
Sebhub bow spammed two titans and one God
Sebhub bow spammed two titans and a God and one hit kilk
BrawlXGamer should be banned for warp killing and kill a god with a golden hoe
Diamond_Diva123 bow spawned in the air on KitPvP PerfectTragedy and Juhpihter do the same thing killed two titans and one God one hit
JMACWDS2004 flew to everyone's base then went on KitPvP two shotted two titans with stone sword
Panda_Zak one shots every on with gold sword PvP-