Ok, well i appreciate your answer. I wish we knew exactly why tho.. it makes it seem like this is it, itll never be updated lol.
Yea, Id really like to know why. Thus the post.
If I get no anwer in another month... im gonna bump 40 times if I have to
How am I triple posting? The question still hasnt been answered.... by someone who actually knows... thats why I bumped it... other servers are...
Why. . .
why is the no End in factions? Thanks.
Thanks for the responses guys, all hearsay though ;) p.s. any item can be disabled, like hoppers are in factions :) Still no answer. Bump.
When will it be 1.10? It would be nice to have actual responses.
idk, 22 days or something lol
@Nemo gives random congrats tho still.
It sucks so bad not being able to play. Makes no difference tho.
Yes, but not one of my officers knows how to handle my fac, I didnt promote them lol. I was bare on like 2 hours after reset before getting banned :/
I have like 20 random people. 30 day ban means I get auto kicked from the server.... this is with officers who have no perms to kick bad people....
Timing, and punishment, both terrible. Nothing you can do, my fac will end up disbanding and ill be a month behind everyone. Thank you tho,...
Randomninja banned me... for accidentally saying her name, randomly, in chat. First time ive ever been banned, and what a GREAT time to banned too...
MIss you.. .for 30 days.
I dont wanna hear its disabled... i wanna know WHY and when it wont be???