CypriotMerkz no matter what I do i can't join Any bw server on mineverse
I can't join any BW server in minverse. What can I do to fix it? please help
sorry my mistake im 1.9.2
Umm, Why did Mineverse require 1.7 now
CypriotMerks in Survival is destroying base in front of people and killing them if they come out of their claims bannable because Strix0z is...
will anyone help me?
When I go to Skyblock in Mineverse. Whenever I tell any command for e.g /sb leave or /sb it always says "Internal error occured while attemting...
i need to report Haz89, how?
I wish they update the Bungee cord
The version 1.9 just came yesterday. I wish that mineverse updates its Bungee cord from 1.8 to 1.9, so I can play with my friends.