Hello my friend keeps on dieing to a book that had attack damage if you held it and he can't respawn i want noobcrew himself to help me or the...
i don't think i will
Is there anyway to do it without minechat?
Is anyone going to help?
ok he can't get minechat or a macro mod so can you contact a staff member?
heres the thing his dad does not let him download mods but i might be able to change his mind. his mom might get minechat idk tho.
ok so my friend got a book from someone and he held it and then he would keep on dieing he could not type anything in chat or switch the item he...
Dude i have your head at my head shop
We just found that out yesterday
Your ingame name: madlegos3 The offender's ingame name: beast2624 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Fly hacking as a zombie...
Ok so i got on creative and i could not build on my plot i fixed that but my brother can't tp to his plot we don't have cords or anything helpful...
Dude i saw him out there and i was like you freaking hacker it was like 8 secs away from starting
This fool thinking he is cool hacking yeah right[ATTACH]
some random guy spamming and advertiseing on skywars[IMG]
bobbyjj42369 is advertiseing on skywars
i don't need this tread and more it worked:P
is anyone going to reply?
When i go to parkour and click the sign i don't get to go to lvl 2 what the heck someone please help
dude i have your head on creative plots!!!!!!!!