@NoMoreSanity yes I do!
oh yeah like a year ago i emailed him once a week and he told me he will be fixing this soon and I would come on here to the help section of...
I remember this from a year ago with all the dupes on blaze spawners and the heads players doing this were being banned after getting caught.. I...
the dog in your pic looks like mine.. My dog name is max he's 6 months old now and he's a boxer/lab mix!
Never will purchase or recommend anyone buying anything on this server now.. That's for sure 100%%%%%% Yea i'm irritated because I remember I just...
I purchased a mineverse cape on here literally beginning of this year or over a year ago and I can see that was basically giving the server free...
what ever happen to that Cape I bought in this server like a year ago... Never ever.... Got it.. Was told it would be fixed now it's removed
thank you
@Dyna_Mighty @Jexica just been really sick and had get new computer and stuff and yeah.. it's been a bad year.
how are you
I'm back everyone!
awe ty <3
I agree with @Elrak but try to run a program like "CCleaner" That will clear out your cookies. Then try restarting or re-installing minecraft.
hey <3
@Maxamul @magical_raven good, thank you!
How is everyone doing tonight?
Then all you can do really is wait for a respond back
hey max c: