I am unable to join creative. What happened: I was at my plot building, then a player wanted to tp to me. I accept the tp and the player dropped...
Is there a ip for towny in mineverse?
lol xD
What do you mean Nup... skywars.com still kicks me Wait it SOMETIMES WORK OMG TYTYTYYTYTYTYTYYTYTY
I just tried again and got kicked ;-; I want it in help Then it says that I am sending too many packets ;-;
Why tho
I want both
Hi I'm fvfggf When I get on to Mineverse, I am always lagging for some reason. There is always a lagback. Like everything stops then after a...
OK im sorry for calling u a hacker :(
BTW whats the story?
Why did it say that u were flying whilst combat?
Its ok dude but do u hack?
U hack woow...
TY dude for your help :) R u reborn wolf on MC? Why u left as mod??!!??!
R u a mod?
Im new to forums. k???? Im not familiar with these stuff