Yes I am! Also, everyone thank you for your support!
XD sorry I'll find em
I have decided to revamp this thread just because I want it to be noticed. I believe it is a good idea, and developers should take notice of it.
I just wanna bring this back into thinking for the staff.
Thanks for the one month ban.
Hello there, i got a hacker now on VIDEO!!! So theres no way this hacker doesnt get banned..It shows clearly that he/she hacks! DETAILS -My...
If you see closely on evidence you will see he walks on water also i saw him before flying
Hello there its me Angelos and i have a hacker to report! -He used Fly-WaterHacks -His name is Mortta_Iny and should be banned -He broke i guess...
INTRODUCTION Hello guys I'm posting this thread Because i want...
Ok next time going to do my best!Thank you for your opinion!
Um i have Action!Screen Recorder.The most powerfull one.
SUGGESTION I would suggest of TheAwaken.My own opinion game.Its really good game again from my opinion.So here it is! INTRODUCTION TheAwaken is a...
Nice dude!Congrats to everyone of them #Doge
HEY its me!
Hello there my name is Angelos and my in-game name is PotatoAngeMC.I would like to apply for Moderator because i think i can do it and i can help...