btw in the last picture LoveTheBlueHorse was scammed she did not scam.
Your ingame name: scr3w_th1s The offender's exact ingame name: richuzz A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: they have made...
um sure hey! ?god?
Eyyy i live in DC
W3lc0m3 t0 th3 f0rums m8 c4r3full or you will g3t n0sc0p3d
I know where the reptilian brotherhood HQ is we can take them down together.
Yea i would try to email support or wait the 30 days to change my name
support fam
this has been resolved
Thank you all
support from me dude
the vidio in your post already scares me a prison called funhaus *walks away and yells IM OUT BOYS IM DONE
This stuff looks good.. and now i'm hungry at like 12 am THANKS OBAMA
Thank you!!
Thanks man Thank u
Hey its scr3w_th1sYt here Most of you know me as the_epic_lynx or just scr3w_th1s. anyways i'm back after a break (personal reasons) and i'm...
but its probably my old computer