Your ingame name: XAuraX The offender's exact ingame name: Noy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking Evidence/full...
Your ingame name: XAuraX The offender's exact ingame name: mnjitw1234 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking...
No support
i dont have anymore, you can close this
its public now
Your ingame name: ImMr3D The offender's exact ingame name: Plentakillboy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Trying to sell...
Your ingame name: ImMr3D The offender's exact ingame name: JasperKnitel A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
ok thanks
i can get a video?
Your ingame name: ImMr3D The offender's exact ingame name: Pocidel_Jr A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
ok well your mic quality is the worst, and all you showed me there is that i got a combo
ok, so if i confess to hacking then im not a downy but if i dont confess then im a downy. Well then IM NOT GOING TO CONFESS TO SOMETHING I DIDN'T DO!!
im not going to confess to hacking when i wasn't.
sorry i told me one way, if i recorded that fight, like why would you record a fight when your just fighting so for now on ima record every thing...
i asked the mods if i could do anything to prove to them i was not hacking they said no theres nothing that you can do to prove to us that you...
your saying i was using anti kb in that video and ff thats funny, i wasn't hacking
what have a i done?
and yes, i did bring this up to lag as i live in Australia and i lag on every server even Australian ones
neither, i dont hack im not getting unbanned anyways i think ik all the hacks, i have been banned before on here for hacks but that was 1 year...
for your information i stopped hacking a while ago