See, its me.
What server were you playing on Pile? I haven't seen that server, is that mineverse, because all I play is op pvp and kit pvp so I shouldn't know.
1. In game name: Matt10chr 2. The offenders in game name: xXCrostonXx 3. What rule they broke: Hacking 4. Evidence: [media]
1. In game name: matt10chr 2. The offenders in game name: 3. What rule they broke: Hacking 4. Evidence: [media]
1. In game name: matt10chr The offenders in game name: tyler88888888888, and magnusvictor What rule they broke: hacking, and auto armour, kill...
I was banned :P And You deleted my post, and I said to you clearly stop disliking everything I post then you dislike that, and I was busy that's...
1. In game name: Matt10chr 2. The offenders in game name: HeyItsAlexa 3. What rule she broke: Deleting threads and abuse the dislike command 4....
@canucksfan44 Delete this freaken thread there is a bunch of sh!t people posting :P. This community . I quit I am stop recording hackers I don't...
Just delete this damn thread your all a bunch of a** holes :P screw off. Didn't you f*** Read the THread I SAID IDC For the ranks!, I said credit...
oh ,and I am child, so I am not offended when you call me that, because I am a child or pre teen what ever you call it.
How am I asking for a freaken rank? Duh duh do you know what a prefix it, and why do they made the reports invisible? That's stupid I like seeing...
:O I am not asking for the rank at all I record hackers for the server, yeah a lot of people record hackers, but not as much as me. I record the...
Well, I been recording hackers for a year now, and I think I should get some credit for it. I recorded over 100 hackers, and got them banned. I...
1. In game name: Matt10chr 2. The offenders in game name: francoencalad 3. What rule they broke: Hacking 4. Evidence: [media] P.S He is a donator
oh my god f*** me side ways this application is amazing!
1. In game name: Matt10chr 2. The offenders in game name: zachfan, oolleos12345, jordanbialik, Xx_shadow8271_xX, pewdiehey, _XxDarkKillerXx_, and...
@ScoFu13 I need you for this.
The reason I love his server, is because friends, and less lag then most server, and they don't really have this good of a kitpvp and oppvp, its...
@PandaBear__ Can you take care of this, and ip ban him please, its the only way.
Hello, this hacker is not a normal hacker, he is the next lvl, he black hats, and more. He has many alts. So don't ban him, Ip ban him. Its the...