NoobCrew help me: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/the-server-is-unfair-please-dont-ban-me.83910/
OBS: I'm from BRAZIL. I was banned for maked TpTrap, but the ban was unfair! (Sorry for all moderators) I a maked a Ban Appeal:...
Can you move this theard to ban appeals, please? http://www.mineverse.com/threads/ban-appeal-survival-strkillr-tptrap-str.83582/
Mineverse have unban to buy? Please talk the link and the price
I try to connect to the server and is downloading terrain. After a short time, this massage appears: Internal exception:...
I restart my Minecraft Launcher and it work
Hi, my name is Gabriel and I can't enter in survival. I tried many times enter, I enter and then return automatically to the lobby (Without an...