And cyp wasn't even on when that happened
But it still said I was a default
I was just on OP Factions and it said "Your Purchased Packages have been Credited." What does that mean?
Still haven't gotten my rank
OK thank you!
OK I have done that, now I just have to wait for him to read it?
So now that I won (thank you btw), how do I I'm currently default
Yesss I won!!!!!!!! Which rank did I win though?
88 Name: mm_dm
Can I join. You know how "good" I am
Definitely no support. I am already well-established on OP Facs so a reset would mean I lose all my progress. I don't care if it's dead, there are...
That is true, but I play OP Factions mostly, and only MVP and up gives me multiple homes.
I appreciate the offer, but I don't really need Premium. I'll wait until I get more kitpvp money (35k hopefully, though it will take a while) and...
Could we arrange a higher rank for that? It seems like a lot for Premium
Would you get me sponsor for that much? I now have over 2k on kitpvp
I was being sarcastic, chill.
Because literally everyone on op factions hacks.
Firstly, I'm mm_dm. Secondly, I only hackusate hackers. I can tell if people hack or not, and WAY too many people on this server hack.