Recently it has come to my attention the sheer amount of animosity towards my quite frequent posting habits. Herein, I have made the final...
imma jedi masta XD
im done no one wants to play fair no more
well have u ever watched a show that says based off true events? star wars basically said that. and the force is proven to be real
yeah but star wars is technically real because it said "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away"
how fast do u click
yeah but like 80 per cent are noy
yeah but pay to win is not fun to the majority
Omg did u even read rule #1 u guys make me angry
Well look what happned to chancalor palpetine he ruled the galaxy no one thought he would but he did
what i dont get what u mean
ur bad at listening XD anyway since your here enjoy this picture of a giraffe [IMG]
and another thing i copyed and pasteyed it because all his reasons are the same as mine
its real just like bigfoot
One day i will rule this server and be the new owner hahahaha
everywhere it says dynamighty it should be my name
heres why i should be mod (new and imporved) [IMG] Welcome to my application for moderator. I hope I provide enough information for you to be...