Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: MoonFrost860 The offender's exact ingame name:...
Ok so I dont know why I did not do this sooner but Im doing it now. Anyways, a while ago like maybe 3-4 days ago i was hanging with two of my...
So Im playing prison again and I see someone I really dont like is on. Everything is ok until I put a bounty on him. He does the same to me and...
Ok so I was on prison (Like always) and there was a argument going on. Eth123cool was acting really rude because of a 1v1 with someone. I did not...
Ok so like always Im playing prison and all of a sudden this guy i dont even know talks talking to me. He says rude stuff to me. I was saying...
I got my free back. Thank you for the help. :)
Ok thank you very much.
Ok so I was buying rank Supreme and i was waiting for the sign to like reload or something to get my prefix back. I was rank freeman before. No im...
Ok so I was playing Prison like always and Eth123cool gets on. When he dies in PVP i say thank you to the person who killed him. (I dont like him...
So ok I was playing Prison (Like always) and this girl FallingDemon starts talking to me. I did not say anything back because I did not want to...
Ok thanks. I can maybe undo what i did do the screenshot and fix it.
Ok so I was playing Prison like always and this rude person PheonixHD comes on. After a few minutes him and i got into a little fight. Then he...
So in Prison Bloodbae28 was putting lava down in D block mine and killing people for their stuff. Example hyenamagic was killed mining in the...
Well I did not know what to call this so I just called it report. Anyways this guy on Prison ghostlytoots told me to shut up by swearing at me at...
lolwouterlol scammed me for my $250 on archer pvp. She said she would pay me 1 million on prison. I paid her first and she never paid me back. And...
(I dont remember the user but it was something like BeastPVP_ then some numbers. Sorry i dont remember it) He said he would give me 145k on prison...
Ok but I dont have any money. Is it free?
I kinda need help. I cant use creative anymore. Im stuck in the box that looks like a end portal and I cant do anything. I cant even quit the...
I been thinking more into it. Yea I wanna be a guard but then again I dont... I dont know anymore. I think as for right now Im gonna hold it off.