FRIED plz come back to me MY ZUCCHINI we started this gang this on archer and grap and platinum tp traped me and i died just today xd i need you...
sorry fried you didint help me at all and i died so many times so i hope you kill them i quit
even tho magic is my fav mc friend, if i disagreed i would say i do but i really do agree there taking advantage of being a mod and the power of it.
i fully agree they banned me on kitpvp for no reason.
mods on this server are good and amazing but they cant moniter 10 people at once and know one can so that is why i think we should have more mods...
i think there should be more mods the server to moniter it. For example someone said in chat selling god rank msg me so i said sure then he said...
Hi im just saying this very simple you need to fix this server i just downloded a skin and its not appering on this server every other server it...
thx good idea
Hi me and my friend just mad this infection map plz leave a comment if you think it should be used or not used thx!
i agree
sorry for i fell in the first sentence i meant feel.
i fell like on archerpvp we need to take away the freezing arrows. They become to op to kill people in pp4 becuase they cant move and when someone...
i see your point but to who plays archerpvp most of us want a new one.
sorry 8stop i replyed to the wrong person
thx xD im in q on op prison and ok thank you for letting me know