I have a science book in my hand rn
Hello! Since the reset of OPPrison was released, there was a problem with the fortune enchant working on the blocks that were mined. For instance...
Thank you for the follow
Support and make it 1k. I feel like if its added you should be able to get it for free
yea support, Im IAmSpoonz, a Zeus player. All this lag makes OpPrison almost impossible to play again.
I agree with him, the players realllly want it.
1. My IGN is IAmSpoonz 2. The offenders IGN is ffnptown 3. The offender broke the no advertising rule by advertising on OpPrisons. Screenshot...
ASF KSFJKSDHM bfs s ,dbf mhsbef ,ksebf ,sjhbse f
@Orange1k To have sell multipliers
@Crazytaco453 I don't think they should give donors an advantage. In the past I feel like they decreased the chance of getting 10 ets.
Support, and @Cmoreno32 its not like they will be completely taken out, just changed. They haven't been changed and it really is annoying.
1. My IGN is IAmSpoonz 2. The Offenders IGN is Don't_Even_Try_ 3. This player broke the no imitating staff rule. He did this by imitating a Mod....
1. My IGN is IAmSpoonz 2. The Offenders IGN is jjs23167. 3. This player broke the no advertising rule. He broke it by advertising on OpPrisons....
1. My IGN is IAmSpoonz 2. The offender's sign is _DewritosHDx 3. _DewritosHDx broke the no advertising rule. The broke it by advertising a server...
1. My Ign is IAmSpoonz 2. The offender's full IGN is Gizmo2024 3. He broke the no advertising rule. He broke this by advertising a server on...
I was wondering what the punishments can range to with this rule, can an ip ban be applied? Thanks!
1. My IGN is IAmSpoonz 2. The Offenders name is MuffinCat_YT 3. They broke the no sharing personal information rule. They broke this rule by...
1. My IGN is IAmSpoonz 2. The offenders full IGN is madxbird 3. madxbird broke the no impersonating staff rule. He was impersonating Noobcrew. He...
@iReplying thanks bro
ok thanks :/