Did you watch the video? I think the indestructible obi might need to be fixed
Just so people don't ride me off super fast, know that I put a fair amount of effort into this People may not listen to me because factions is...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: JakePlayzz The offender's exact ingame name: thqt,...
We did do a reset but we also removed kits and removed the pvp pit at spawn. Also the shop doesn't have basic canon materials so factions is more...
Now that I think about it, People are saying that its going to bring hackers to skywars because well its something new they want because their...
Support because I love skywars and I wanna have a title :D
True but I think we need somehting REALLY unique like how some servers have clans now with custom enchants and all that good stuff or some other...
Why is that?
Are you able to list some of them so staff know what to look for/fix?
Whats wrong with Mineverse may I ask?
" " " " I went into the hub and there was NO ONE there.... Holy cow man. :O There is a promotion thread that ill put in...
Welcome back, Hope I see you in game sometime c:
I made a post about this as well and nothing has happened.... Anyone messaged @CypriotMerks yet?
Lol I didn't even look at yours and we said the same thing xD
My life
Support!!! SicKaS
NO support. I support what @Molanq says "Hackman your saying if a mod denies you, you buy a unban since they said no? That is kind of breaking a...
ADD COBWEBS TO THE SHOP IN FACTIONS!!!! Somehow..... I know mods can't do that but i'd find a way to somehow to that to make all out lives...
Not even close
Sure is :D But we have to make it better some how