Thanks for helping me when you see this
i got scammed on gta i pay 950 for 150 on op pvp i did /op and type bal and saw my money was at the same number i wait 10m then i did /gta and ask...
ok thank you also i have a scammer sreenshot
[IMG] look at the chat he is telling people to go "killed them self" can he get ban for this also he was hacking with crits thanks and please vote
Sorry for the lag spikes in the video if you use obs and fix this can you help me out?
before you see this video sorry if its not a hack but just a glich. Also sorry for being mean to the staff back in the day i was toxic XD. but...
New update switch my ign to Texts_ also i'm all over that dumb stuff i was typing about the staff and i'm sorry for that also i'm back.
Yes Maemii can you not see my ign is Texts_ and he said to kms and if you look at the screenshot you can see what he said so please stop with the...
[IMG] LOLOLOLOLOLOL take the L skid have a nice 30 days off also he was hacking XD
[IMG] :) my dear friend here told me to go kml and i feel like sh1t when he told me this :( please help
5th wow just wow
Staff on here are aids and noobcrew has aids rules i die by a hacker and i can't get my sht back Don't pay for a rank for this server staff just...
[IMG] yeah rip ReaperPvPz
Robot942 is hacking he needs to be ban and i lost my stuff. so if i don't get it back i will be so mad. Robot942 <--- that kid is hacking he need...
yes but staff need to record the hacker and what if there is no staff on the server?
That video was 10 out of 10
Hey whats up guys do you hate seeing hacker and not being able to stop them or when you record they stop hacking or leave the game. This /report...
we need this young blood[IMG]