May someone please archive this mod application? I need to work on it more.
Okay I will try my best to add more detail.
I've added some more detail, hope you like it!
Thank you for the feedback!
Hello, I am doing a moderator application for the parkour and skywars servers. Please take your time reading this application. How old are you?...
Sorry all if you never really seen me on Mineverse (if you know me.) I quit MC :/
Double Support cant wait what you get !
Your ingame name: ARVEN0ID The offender's ingame name: Alan_Lee123 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He kept bullying...
That's a good theory, but no one was added to my plot.
I'm going to give you a big huge SUPPORT
At the road at my plot it's griefed with lava and everything, I'll show some evidence tomorrow I need some sleep ;-;
Like @Darkreaper077 said, use the template or else your report will be ignored: Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of...
You should've made a screenshot when you paid him.
YES! NEVER GIVE UP IF YOU DO YOU WON'T ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING! and why did Cypriot or anyone else not see this yet XD
Lock this pls its so old
3 we can make it :)
If you have lost your courses on the parkour map and went all the way to lvl I, please show a screenshot of what level you were before and show a...