Sithkitten07 bobXRAY Scamming 13tril for an old lyc [MEDIA]
Sithkitten07 Pure_Champion hacking/macros/keybinds/hacked client [MEDIA]
ARK_Bacon Rastas71 Blackmail He wont stop
ARK_Bacon Regathering Hacking [MEDIA]
Your ingame name: ARK_Bacon The offender's exact ingame name: Pyrocynical__ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Releasing...
I'm talking to all?
I just got banned for this below but when I get unbanned lets go im amazing at pvp arkbacontv is my youtube channel name[ATTACH]
well shiz that sucks lol lets make one with my boii chilo?
IGN - ARK_Bacon and ARK_BaconTv and I got like 5876 other accounts Rank - Who needs a rank to be op? my alt is prem and lil bro is god Can we...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] ARK_Bacon NoNameForMeOMG Harassment and blackmailing
well false report.. you know what I mean well you would if you wasn't stupid
he got unbanned because the mod saw it wasn't hacks and so if someone tells you to jump off a bridge you would?
False banned my little brother and you don't know what hacks are.
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