Can I please buy an unban ?
No support ^ aggree with chari
Support !!!! all the way
think what u want * and you only skyped me cause u wanted me to hack people I undersetand *cough* says the one who ddoses people hahahah
sorry for everything
Ok ok Rodeen Goodbye now you have said enough nonsense and my attitude... Well look how you are right now I've tried hard to be active and...
Excuse me..... Just because me and you have bad vibes doesn''t mean you have to go around making lies ...
Tbh you are a really chill person we should talk
I most certainly will thank you very much
I am mostly on op and kit / survival
I appoligize for my miss understanding I had of the question!! thanks tho
Introduction: Due to glitches from me trying to make a forums account I have took this account over from a friend but he no longer has access...
SUPPORT ALL the way Love you man !!!! Best wishes
lol xD
1.8 is lit as @TADS said but 1.10 OMG KISS ME * wait wat*
Maxamul I pvp with you on oppvp a lot we are a pretty wicked team we should talk some time
Tbh I've seen you around a lot we should talk more often
?? xD