1) go on internet forums of games you don't play 2) criticize people on something you know everything about but don't care about 3) criticize...
I ripped out my good eye to join the salty spitoon nothing better than a nice bowl of razerblades and salt in the morning.
Let's be honest it's not like more than half of them are actually wanted.
As a global moderator you would become a guard. http://www.mineverse.com/forums/moderator-applications.15/
I suppose it's personal preference to whoever the buyer is, but 1k in kitpvp= $1 generally.
worked up to hahhahaaha ha o you're serious
Let's hope my time was worth it then.
Not going to read it.
Could've just edited the original application.
2 mod applications in 2 days gl.
500 word essay? lmao
Something that has always really irritated me is, like many others, you only ask for a reason when people don't support you. You're not really...
Which list? Oh XD, no that's not correct, 1k on kitpvp= $1
How is 600 on kitpvp= $3?
10, 000 people? Not even 100 active people use this site daily. It's a community, and in this community there are help forums, so there is the...
If you want stories you can go on reddit or 4chan, this is a site for a game, not a book store.
ha you're never going to get your reset good luck.
name change ahoy