im toatash and everyone on infection is getting annoyed with this guy hitting through the roofs and walking through walls please ban him there is...
u have such fluffy hair
Username: toatash Skype: natasha.********* PvP Skills: 8/10 Bow Skills:5/10 Donor Rank: VIP Why Do You Want To Be In Nubletz?: becuase bed wars...
hurlz jave you gone for mod yet i did not good yet T-T
so many people dont support me to be mod T-T i really want it to help you guys out
ik but if i get all the support i can get then i might so could u help me plz i really want to get it
Im trying for MOD hope i get it i wanna help all you people who need me <3 hopes up but i might not get it
Sorry i didnt know what the template was but i fixed it now hope you like it <3 have a great day
do it around this time tomorrow so i can watch hurlz win
make it in the afternoon because i want to watch it but i have school.
your the one who is making the time changing quicker then it should but oh well hurlz are you going to call me back
no you only saying that becuase you got someone to just vote then lol leave it for 3 more mins
lol 4 mins
Hurlz can you check it now I fixed some spelling
alot of my friends told me to go for it as well as im very friendly and kind i never swear nad im a great mc team sport to everyone
its only been 8 mins hurlz
My minecraft username is Toatash im 13 turning 14 july 1st i have been playing your server since last year so around 2 years now i know what mods...
I voted for hurlz
lol i have been here for months dude