thanks :)
hey thanks bro hope we can be friends
Wow even faster than the other person nice dude u read Really fast
Subscribe to my channel if you want Bleh u can if u want it doesn't Remember to Not subscribe Wait Wait I meaan Subscribe Yes...
IGN:MirrorLikesPie Why do you want the money: Because I'm Illuminati Lucky Number:11
yea I still play wow your a fast reader
A tutorial should be added to factions. Why should they add a tutorial to factions ? I believe a tutorial is really needed this is because when I...
Introduction: My name Is Bruce I'm a 13yr Old male I come from a family of 6 but recently due to family problems we are now a family...
really well i thought I was pretty active but its summer and ill be alot more active
ok Just know I appreciate the feedback
are u sure that i didnt tell why I think i should become mod cause i did put things under helpful and other things under player trickery and other
would U like me to put my old ign do u think it would be smart :) taking sugestions
Most Grammar errors Resolved
thank you your positive support is really needed
well then looks like I have stuff to fix XD thanks for the feedback much appreciated :)
no support I can tell you're lying you're not 19 your not a sr mod on mineplex or hypixel because you app would be much better and from what I can...
Less color more content nice app neutral
ok thanks for the feedback
Dude when will they promote u lol ur apps great and uve been waiting for a long time