No Support go eat bacon
Well, ive been looking through the "Report a player" thread and i saw a lot of complaints regrading "hacking." I just wanted to introduce the idea...
Meet* No Supporting missing tons of information
Still a retarded thing to do. IP Ban is so stupid in my opinion since you are giving a suggestion.
No Support Stupid Idea from you and there can be Family/Friends that use the ip.
No Support
Just chilling on Dubtrack @StrKillr Subscribe! [MEDIA] This is only for fun, don't be an and ruin the fun
No need to get hurt, its over a freaking pixel game.
Hey bishhhh
ARK Bacon/Saladbar1997 My IGN:TABAXTHEDOGEATER Reason: Hacking Kill Aura Proof: [MEDIA]
Email them with proof I guess, [email protected]
Welcome to the SUPPORT SQUAD! Tabax Cnmd Advertising
Pancakes they are good :) Eat Dogs or Cats.
Tabaxxx 9289567 Hacking [MEDIA]