Anvils should be working. All the time. Everywhere. On plots. On other peoples plots. Efficiently. Easily. Glitch free. Allowed.
*pulls out bloody knife* I'll kill you if you don't.
Thank u, thank u
Support thought the turmoil that the knife I have is going through, though I'd be desperate enough to use it and then you'll be admin. I don't...
Yeah, I'm insane af
Heheheheheheheheeee..... ..... Hehe..... *pulls out bloody knife* Heheeeeheheheheheheee...
So all I did was ask for an arrow and ParanormalPizza will give it to me <3 Here:...
Yay I got Titan!
Give me CypriotMerks head for free on OP Prison. Also, make me a moderator. I know where you live.
Give me 1 sand and 1 cactus and in two weeks I'll pay you 1 quad.
I'll be on tomorrow after 5:00 and before 7:30
I need help. And you can help me by giving me 1 arrow on OP Prison. Thank you.
It happens to me too. I'd be minig at U, then, suddenly, the chat stops. I just continue mining, but then 5 secs latet, it rolls me back 1 min and...
Im a god rank, at U. Do you have any suggestions on how to mine? My best pick is titan with 505 eff
Can you not sell the 505? I would like to buy it (aaccepting offers) i do not have lots of money, but can you put it on "hold" for me? Please,...
I went to skycollins plot and saw a wall of rare items on the left. How do you get each of these? How much do each cost? Also, next to the items,...
How do I get one?
On the shop page, it says that you can redeem a code. What gift card is this? Is there a Mineverse gift card?