I Go on others, But then I rage quit because I'm not very good at the mini games and stuff...
Everything that I say I want to change next year doesn't always work. So this year I want to get fat, don't exercise! reverse psychology!!
Yea! I love being in Ontario. Sucks about that big snow storm we had lol.
-Just recently made forums account for person being Racist. -Come to Skygrid More often. There's like never any Moderators on there other then...
How old are you? I am Currently 16 years old Your in-game name: My In-Game name is GamingPyscho_ What timezone are you in? I'm in Eastern...
I have a male named Caclark99. We was being incredibly racist to me, he called me a (dick) Asian and has offended me. I do not tolerate people...