This one we have currently is so plain , we DO need a new one.
@Amori No just a random topic I was supposed to put this in the Off-Topic area And I do think it should be in the banner.
So I was about to vote for about the 200th time and I noticed on mineverse banner ( Moving one ) theres no kitpvp and no op pvp. ( Both are the...
This should be on kitpvp2!! Support btw!
That profile picture....
Read the whole thing it said in-game money . There should be another rank but not this I dont think this will work out well , but the idea for...
Support. By the way a lot of mods had said we'll be on for 4-6hours but honestly all mods fail in that , if ur being honest and would be active...
Your ingame name: DaSayainFX The offender's exact ingame name: InfamouSon A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking ( at...
Your ingame name: DaSayainFX The offender's exact ingame name: Teasong AND hcdblockhead A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
IGN: DaSayainFX Rank: Sponsor Rankup To: MVP or Elite Reason: I really ( I mean it ) want it because with Elite I can do /heal on lots of servers...
Awesome builds!
Whos the winner xD?
In-Game Name: DaSayainFX What rank are you: Sponsor what rank you want:MVP Why you want it: I want this please for the simple reason its commands....
I never payed for it + he payed the 5$ from his own paypal
Yes it is
@Baby the thing is it was a upgrade.
When will I recieve my rank its been over an hour now..
Your ingame name: DaSayainFX The offender's exact ingame name: MoonMeme A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Using a hack...
Your ingame name: DaSayainFX The offender's exact ingame name: YoKenny / albiejoe04 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: So...