My IGN: ToxicallyKool Offender's IGN: psat Offence: Reach [MEDIA]
My ign: ToxicallyKool Offender's IGN: ThatP1nkWolf Offence: Kill Aura [MEDIA]
My IGN: KoolPlayzMC Offender's IGN: MistahFlash Offence: Reach and possible Macros [MEDIA]
My IGN: KoolPlayzMC Offender's IGN: Xxcrazygamer12 Offence reach/Kill Aura [MEDIA]
So, another mod told me to see you for a question i have, that is how do i change my forum username?
May you please message me and tell me specifically how to change my forums name? i don' t want people knowing my real name Thanks! <3
Support - I love the map! Not only because i made it, but because It has an open range field, which is good for the zombies... But also has spots...
My IGN: KoolPlayzMC Offenders IGN: PikaBoy010 Offence: Kill Aura, Anti Knockback.
My IGN: KoolPlayzMC Offenders IGN: YourWayTooEzzz Offence: Auto Armor [MEDIA]
My IGN: KoolPlayzMC Offender's IGN: GiRlSquAd1 Offence: Auto Armor [MEDIA]
my ign: KoolplayzMC Offender's ign: JrW4FFL3head Offence: Anti Knockback [MEDIA]
My ign: KoolPlayzMC Hacker's ign: Amnonia Offence: Anti Knockback [MEDIA]
My ign: KoolPlayzMC Hacker's ign: SpiderPanda Offence: Aimbot, Kill aura, Anti-Knockback, And Bunny-Hop. [MEDIA]
my ign: KoolPlayzMC Hacker's ign: Minecraftmr1 Offence: Kill Aura [MEDIA]
My ign: KoolPlayzMC Hacker: PowerPlayer13 This player used aimbot at 13 seconds to 16 seconds in the video. [MEDIA]
My evidence of mamacatmeow telling another player to hang themselves.
my ign: KoolPlayzMC Offender's ign: mamacatmeow This player told another player to hang themselves. [IMG]
The user mamacatmeow told another player to hang themselves. Please take care of this person, as i dont want that person to acctually commit...
So, i've made a Minecraft Mineverse Infection map on creative plots. Could you check it out by chance? i've been making it for about a couple...