1. I'm lboone2000 2. I'm reporting DiamondHead2548 3. He advertised a death warp in chat. [MEDIA]
1. I'm lboone2000 2. I'm reporting Cily and OhBobSaget. 3. They were swearing in chat, and I warned them to watch their language. Cily, who I have...
1. I'm lboone2000 2. I'm reporting somjievan. 3. He advertised a death warp in chat, but it failed to kill me. [MEDIA]
1. I'm lboone2000 2. I'm reporting BinaryMiner 3. He advertised death warps in public chat (/warp targetisfly) (/warp 64cobble) 4. [MEDIA]
Welcome to forums! I see you on Skyblock a lot when you're on :)
Support. I'm sure many people would enjoy this. Even though Bedwars is similar, it would be fun to have a new type of skywars
Oh. Ok. That's understandable.
I love this idea. I think you should apply for Mod. I've seen you in-game, and I can tell that you are a very good person. :)
January is Month 1. July is Month 7. 7-1=6. 6 Months. It's been up for 6 months.
...and failed. In more ways than one. Ill be back in 6 months :tearsofjoy:
Once again, your arrogance amazes me. Six months since this app has been posted and almost no support. Are you a Mod yet? The application is a...
That's nice
That's nice.
If you want to be a Mod so badly, take HALF of the energy you use to argue to improve your app. 1) Yes, you have barely any details in your...
I support. You were banned in the past, but I can see from this application that you have no plans of doing those things again. Good Luck!
Once again, arrogance and rudeness at its finest. Your app will not be accepted, and I can tell based on the accepted ones. You say you're "sick...
Honestly, I am done trying to help you. Your responses alone show immaturity, rudeness, arrogance, and a strong desire to always "win arguments"...
I still do not support. You seem immature, and no one wants an immature Mod. You can argue if you'd like, but my response remains. I agree with...
No Support. From your application, it doesn't appear to me that you really want this position. I know you filled out the application, but how can...
1. I am lboone2000 2. I'm reporting GG_GuruGaming, AmmoDuBz, and diana7h7 3. He was in public chat disrespecting another player and making...