Exstatisfy trade me my sharp X on opfactions you left be4 i can sell
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name:Stattik_Shiv The offender's exact ingame...
Your ign: Nesty_Senpai Age (not needed): 15 Skype (not needed): I dont use skype (TS) Rank: Sponsor Bow skill (1-10): 7 Swords skill (1-10): 6 Why...
No Terror You are a good friend i support :)
i support
bump good job on your application
Ign: Nesty_Senpai PvP Skills 1-10: 7 How old are u: 13 Rank: N/a What u can do to help Impact grow: Im meh and can help the clan out in some ways...