I'm not going down without a fight. Everyone look at this video... How is this hacking? It's just me shooting my bow 2 times very fast. If...
that's what i said
I'm pretty sure it's right....
I would say support but... This kid clearly doesn't know all that info he just said. He must likely copied and pasted it. And this kid is 12, i...
Support, very organized, and i do see you on Infection most of the time. But maybe you could add in something else, dont make it all about hackers.
Infection is getting kinda boring with the same old maps... Nothing has changed for months! And also, i don't just come with a comment, I come...
First, our we talking about real money, or mine craft money??
Actually you can start a Sentence with Because... "Because my cat ate all the cake, the party was boring!"
Support. But not that point system support.
I think that there should be a point system, but not, $1 for kills and $5 for winning...
I'm kinda confused on what your saying. Can you explain it a little more???
Recently, when i started playing Infection something happened, on the jungle map it was impossible to get to the last 5 people. This was because...
They shouldn't "remove" these areas... they should make it to where its unglitchable
You need to hacking or else im reporting you...
Hello, my name is Crazybacon23, and recently when i was playing infection, everyone was spawn killing. I know that there is no rule saying that...
Yes! this may finally but a stop to spawn killing... But there is just one problem, If the zombie, that cannot be killed for 5 seconds, that also...
that is a great idea... but most plug ins to prevent hacks are really buggy and cause lots of lag. My idea was to maybe set up a thing where you...