Bye everyone I am going for a while! If you want to contact me please start a conversation with me or post something as I am watching this thread...
Ok I will try my best not to double post anymore - Liliana5556
I quoted my self twice by accident - oops
I think that it might not have enough details aswell but I will make a new application later after the Moderators decide.
If you had to do a rough estimate of how many sentences how much would you say?
Ok I will try to you too!
If that is what you think, though I respect your desicion
I don't know how to get more well known because I am always on either infection or creative or bedwars.
Not because it is bad, just because I can't delete my vote on the voting poll
I changed that* to needs more detail
I chnage dthat
How much more? I added a lot more from last time (by the way vote for no in the voting poll if you dont like it)
Ik I posted a new one that you can vote on now
How old are you? I would prefer to keep that confidential but I am very mature. Your in-game name: liliana556 What timezone are you in? EST...
Umm I still have a lot of god items in my inventory...
Ok I will post a new thread on it one sec
what do you mean by thta?
Btw I will post the rest here guys
Im always in infection and creative so just look for me
Umm are you even staff