Neutral, leaning to no support. I have not seen you in the gamemodes I play; Survival, Factions, Skyblock From reading the 10 pages in this...
I forget why i tp'd in the first place, but it is survival, the begining shows my first house on the server
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: redhawk101112 The offender's exact ingame...
I do and dont support. I support it due to the fact that there is some issues with duping and limited world, which could be fixed by expanding the...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: redhawk101112 The offender's exact ingame name: Takss...
What do colors have to do anything with an application?
No support: Have seen you act immature and rudely often.
Neutral, Don't see you on at all.
My IGN: redhawk101112 Offender's IGN: AquaticPremier Reason: Language Language screenshots: Spam report:...
my ign: redhawk101112 Offenders IGNs: Daan_Awc vigo_messi trusner reason: warp trappers: Daan and vigo:
My IGN: redhawk101112 Offernder's IGNs: AquaticPremier using NOVADiamond12 Reason: Evading Mute <--- Screenshot Mute...
my IGN: redhawk101112 offender's IGN: lonewolf1906 Reason: deathwarp creation and advertisement
My IGN: redhawk101112 Offender's IGN: AquaticPremier Reason: Spam
What do you mean?
my ign: redhawk101112 offenders' IGN: DaanooMC and djTBNR Reasons: Daanoo: tpa kill attempt and language DJ: language tpakill:...
My IGN: redhawk101112 Offender's : BRANTLEY777 Reason: language
My IGN: redhawk101112 Offenders IGN: DJ_HyperBest Reason: TPA killing of many evidence:
Just forgot to hit publish XD, sorry
Let me un private of it
My IGN: redhawk101112 Offender's IGN: samawsome24 Reason: I do realize that the video does not show either. The scenario was that He was going to...