watcha been up to since 2015/2016 betch ;)
by chance have you seen ramiius? I need to talk to him. and if you know hes changed his username.
hahaha im surprised youre still modding this server janice. its been about 5/6 years since ive played.
i know theres been new sruvivals any way i can check out the old one from 2015/2016?
love you bro <3 no homo
Damn Bro Fun facts thank god McDonalds has more LOL
Word thunderlords is being so abusive Zed combo thunderlords~ lucian ult thunderlords~ and fizz WQ thunderlords ~ so op
Fat McDonald's kid is making me die of laughter~~ this is why you dont eat mcdonalds
League? follow meh i follow back ~~ lets play some leagueee stattik shivv Tbh~ Phantom Dancer is betta :P on ranged champs YASUO SHIV SO OP this...
lol that means hi how are you
Como Estas?
Hell yes Master Tier 4 you?
What's Up
Hi ;D reported em check my post
Ill fix it hold up
Several people in the lobby are really getting angry at him and noone can stand him being rude towards religion Sorry for what happened to all...
InINJAI bro do you still have your own texture pack i lost it ~ was a good one send me the link!
Help!!!! FishLips22521 made a warp at my cliam its warp-type please bann him!! i saw that it is bannable!