Jet315 Bubbaclowe34 He said he would give me a set of p4 for 130, but didn't... [media] Ban plz
It's ok, close it. Can't get it as my shadowplay messed up in a folder, will get it working now but wouldn't of reordered that. Oh well, thanks.
I hit you just before you /god.. I told you just as you did this. I might be able to get proof with shadowplay, although will take some time pile.
You /ungod to kill me and you were afk, you wearn't looking for hackers like you said.
You had P4 on for a start, you tried to kill me, and almost did if you killed me you wouldn't of refunded or anything, so pretty much I didn't...
Your ingame name: Jet315 Moderator name: Mrbeefcak3 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I first saw him afk in a pvp zone, go...
[media] His name: jeremy8795
Thanks guys!
Can't be bothered playing server anymore tbh .. There are so many hacks.. Loose max amr to them. Takes all fun out of mineverse, needs moderators...
Your ingame name: jet315 The offender's ingame name: coolgreenbandit A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Your ingame name: jet315 The offender's ingame name:megaking40 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots.[media]
Your ingame name: jet315 The offender's ingame name: Ninjasap421 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacks / anti kb kill...
If you are really going to cause this much havoc / time, and as it is so little on KitPvP I will give it you back, but want a moderator to look at...
You took that screenshot a long time after, as you can tell by the time its says iv'e been offline for.
I was online talking to you before, so the 7 minutes 57 seconds is way after we did the deal. So don't lie.
I paied you, I didn't screen shot or as I didn't need to cause that was the deal done, why would I?
People have done this to me, if you record and you can tell if they don't pay straight after.
I paid .. You do not have image.. of me paying. You can ask many others. I don't "scam".
Thanks for the support guys!
They may be saying they have it, but might not actually have it. I made a post like this and it was denied as there is no proof of them Tully...