To whom this may concern, I am leaving mineverse, at least for awhile. Real life is catching up and the time I spend on mineverse is becoming too...
My forums account name: Stalagg My IGN: Stalagg The offender's forums account name (link to profile):...
My IGN and Forum name: Stalagg Offender's IGN:MistahFlashy Offense: Disrespectful, language Evidence:...
Your forums account name: Stalagg My IGN: Stalagg The offender's forums account name: N/A The offender's IGN: Alanmaster0602 A description of what...
My forums account and IGN : Stalagg Offenders IGN : SelfiePvPForU Offense : Pet Hiding in ArcherPvP behind two large slimes. Evidence:...
Thanks! Just realized what you meant by highlight my text -.- thanks for support.
It also affects when you get a kill and it disappears before you can pick it up. Thanks for feedback though! Ty!
Ty all!
Support. Remove all sexual stuff but RPs are more than half of creative so don't remove those.
Thanks for the feedback!
You can actually place ice over a block in creative mode, do the command - /gm s , and then break the ice in survival mode which will make water....
I think the ClearLag countdown show be shown in ArcherPvP. I have lost lots of PP4 while trading because of the ClearLag and most recently a pair...
Neutral. I met you in game once and you were nice, but I don't see you around often in game or on the forums.
No idea xD