Oh hey, I have not been on this in a long time. :I
Happy Holidays! <3 I haven't been on mineverse in forever D: I miss you guys.
Wait what your leaving... without my permission
trying to learn how to play the flute T.T hardest thing ever
Omg you are amazing
Eh, well i can kinda see it
That looks like the sparks that go off on bows when you shoot it.
Well, if you didn't want people to know your name then why did you make a forum about it now everyone on Mineverse can see your name
In the picture there is no evidence of that person swearing. Please give screenshots of the person swearing
@Pile_of_Butts @Glaadiator
hmmmm ive been getting some lag in Mineverse. Contact a staff member about this issue.
Well, get a better computer or memory card . :)
Hope you make it too Free ^_^
It's fine dude as Zambiana said you share your name with millions of other people. I don't think people will come and kill you at night cause they...
yeah, or just get Optifine it helps alot
Maybe it's your computer