Wait why's it called Juvia joins fairytail .-.
I'm hot XDD
My teacher is REALLY angry, is she constipated?
Support, This stuff is so annoying these days. How is this server even called "Creative"?! Also, (yes I edited this to add this to it) My...
5... I asked my mum for a cat for literally my entire life since the time I found out what cats were, she still hasn't got me one though :c How...
more support
what happened to your profile picture? e.e
Drown in really cold water, Would you rather Jump off a cliff Or Jump off an Airoplane
Watch PewDiePie and join the bro army! c:
Watch fairytail while eating cookies :3
How old are you? 5 Your in-game name: I_liek_ferteng_stapilirs (I like farting staplers..... don't ask) What timezone are you in? wuts det?...
I'm not sure why it's not showing, I'll check why and you can comment on it. For now just look at mine on my first post, where I told the rules...
Live with them .-. Would you rather Have fire powers Or have the ability to fly
A faker who's pretending to be a mod lol
It's simple, all you need to do is comment on the person's signature that's above you :3
... a diamond sword .-.
... How old were you when you first hit your sibling? (I did when I was 3 or 4, he still has that mark on his face o.o I scratched him)
support you are friendly ingame and on forums. i hope you get it
get a damn new computer