B4nned for having a weird keyboard smiley face
So guys i've conversed with most i have had fun with mods i know lost of mods and i am sad to see myself go but mineverse is not what it was...
Do you see the stupidity or is that just me
@sam! @legends152 @Blockypro123 @26862 How How do you disagree with that
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/bullying-problem.30563/page-2#post-306673 here thats the thread I'm pratt21 btw
no the person that said it is not correct EVERYONE has access to that command they just don't understand it
all in all this is a thread that will start a fight between the noobs of the server and the gods of the server because the noobs don't want to...
see theres a thread that i got a lot of hate from called Bullying problems well i told the author of the thread that he needs to suck it up and do...
hahahhahahha okay that understand if they do the command then cancel it
seriously if you did something worth bragging then you should be able to do it
is killing stuff not allowed or are you just raging
needs proof
Got promoted to manager
All in All this is very informative… HOWEVER DDoS is when someone infects computers or a server with a virus your definition is perfect but that...
dude he says you BUY the stuff with REAL MONEY
it just makes it a little more fun to catch all the freakin fastbow hackers
We should have a competition to see who can have more accepted hacker reports by the end of the month or week the people who have the most should...
if stuff its the fan i think they will go for the most famous servers such as mineplex and stuff
i do understand what your saying but i said people who they trust