I haven't even played mineverse for ages lol but i'll come on and place all my wool for you (if I even have any but I can't remember what I even...
I didn't notice anything that you did or said to me so idk if you feel that way but don't! You haven't done anything bad to me :D
Fr tho come on OVER A DANG YEAR and problems problems problems baaaah Rage
I am Oggy They are Paskov123 and StripTeasing Paskov has nofall strip has killaura and antikb [MEDIA]
Its been over a year maybe two or close I don't know how long I have been playing but either way that is a ridiculous amount of time.
Agree. Support. Come on I mean I have played bw easily over a year and spec blocking has been a part of it for so long. Is it really that hard to...
Thank you swift I hope to play bw with you soon just been at work and busy lately. Hopefuly we can play again!! <3
It is kinda like the blocking sword glitch that happens where it is eather visual or also effects your player D:
So stupid cause that is a common glitch you can see it all the time on archerpvp
What happened??
Your ingame name: Oggy303 The offender's exact ingame name: cridence, IdkEnglish and SRT_hellcat A description of what rule they broke/how they...
Bro. Idek...
Wow that's all you think i'm good for?
I'm cute?????
Ok so sometimes spawn killing is necessary to get the bed like on windmill where you can get knocked off so trapping the team is kinda necessary...
Um what. Fine well swift has a crush on quicksilver
I am: Oggy303 They are: jonny761 They are hacking- antikb killaura safewalk/fastbuild [MEDIA]
I think they are just disabled period I tried them on some other people not my teammates they don't work
I am: Oggy303 They are: xsories123 They are hacking-antikb [MEDIA]