Those birds in ur name Break my Eyes
Got Ehmm Ha
I know Think about going around in a Rusty Map with a Bow Example. Hhaaa mlg NoScope hardfff I just lmao boom Got hes asss with my little power...
Or maybe they Have been thinking about it but Trashed it cause they dont Want u to spare 15sets G0D armor That would make the. Server ArcherPvP....
Could you Just Call it a. pv1 or Private Vault instead of Backpack...
Fryzigg just unbanned me on Faction. I just Wend on there and i typer /money for fun i had73k and an enderchest with P4-P4 u3 armor #Fryz<3x
Love fryzigg shes a Wonder woman
67 fps-150fps i use diffrent settings this is neutral.
How the heck 9message 2.2k ratings whats Wrong with this
You Said u never Been Banned and Now Whoop u have Explained you'r Bans of Elric's Videos Could you Please. Just Deal with. That u Wont Become an...
U still Got banned lmao fatt
Mineverse kids should learn the so called k0hi thingy Then i log into op pvp i Can beat 7Doners While they'r all have me target k0hi4lyf
Lewl ur just never gonna get mod 7times Ban and ur dumb enough to aply for mod What a Kid and u dont. Have Proof of ur NOT The boi in Elric's...
i have one thing to say 18years soon and wont get a life
Could you turn into a beast i need some in ma Crew
Head mod
Derek for Mod 2k15