No support, Read what is above, I think you NOT putting the correct template shows that you're not responsible. Or pay attention much, however...
Long time no see, Mineverse.
I think it's fine. It's just me in a bathing suit with friends, I don't see what problem it could be. It's on social media as well. I do know the...
Your ingame name: Pressely The offender's exact ingame name: EL3V1N A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising, this...
Neutral.. Don't see too much detail over all. Looks more like you put one sentence in to each topic. Best of Luck
This is deep. :)
Recently I've been thinking... What is a game everyone would LOVE, and could have a lot of people involved? So I remembered a game called "Destroy...
Bye dood. Sucks you have to go this way, best of luck in the future, hope to see you roaming Mineverse once again some day :)
Support. Good thinking ;)
Welcome to the forums :)
Yep, already did it. Thanks for the help @OhhmgHarder @Fadei
IIs there a way to change your Forum name?
Yeah, It's very OG because nobody has ever even used it. It also has a ring to it.
NEW IGN :) Pressely
When people act better than everyone else >.<
No support, reasons stated above. Best of luck,
I may not know you, but you seem very dedicated to the Mineverse community. I've seen what you've done in the past, it's not very good. But it's...
Hey guys, I've been doing some name searching and possibly found the most OG one ever. It's my IRL name, Pressely. I changed my In-game name to...
Changed my In-game name to Pressely
No Support Reasons stated above. Good Luck.