here's an easier way.... step 1 - open the silkspawner plugin step 2 change this "silkspawners.changetypewithegg.<creaturetype> (op)" to this...
Thanks for replies everyone! So far 100% Support!
Hi ZeldaNinja! Since you play Skyblock also, will you please read and possibly support this thread. It's to bring back changing spawners....
Hi 12323emily! Since you play Skyblock also, will you please read and possibly support this thread. It's to bring back changing spawners....
I like raw pork too, but I won't like it when it's 10 cents a stack. That's gonna bomb the price of emeralds too. Thanks for the support!
I made thread in the suggestion section. Any support will be appreciated....
Hi Butfa, Please support my suggestion threead to bring back chaning spawners.
I suggest we be able to change spawners with eggs again. The benefits are that people will actually have a reason to buy spawners from the MV...
That's good for you, but what about the new people who join everyday? Don't you want new members to enjoy skyblock and be able to use the spawners...
I am familiar with the SilkSpawner's permissions and there is definitely one for changing spawners with monster eggs. It's as easy as changing...
I reported the issue and got told that it needs to be a "suggestion". So now I need to make another thread in the graveyard they call the...
Am I the only one getting this message? "You do not have permission to change spawner with spawn eggs." I cry. :,( [IMG]
Will Someone please fix the permissions in the Silk Spawner plugin to allow PLAYERS (not oped members) to change spawners with monster eggs. I...
I should mention that I did this with my non-ranked account that should only be allowed to set 1 warp. I have probably set about 5 or 6 now.
Yes. I did a test. I logged and set a warp "/setwarp testingwarp". The I was able to delete and reset the that warp as long as i stayed logged...
I am still not able to change spawners with a spawn eggs, even directly after the server reboot. As far as I can remember there are two permission...
I just thought of something. Did you change the permission for oped players but not not regular players? That might be why it's working for you...
I still get that error message "You do not have permission to change spawners with a spawn egg". On the plus side spawn eggs are working normally...
@CypriotMerks Thank you! silkspawnerplace is working now. but -silkspawners.changetypewithegg seems to be disabled still. Maybe it will work...