IGN: Aerojet Offender: BladeRunner216 Offense: posting constant abusive words towards another player, NeviGoesRawr. [ATTACH]
BladeRunner216 has posted a sign with hateful comment and griefed NevieGoesRawr multiple times on survival. He has left shameless evidence with...
Scott for the science, Robbaz for the silliness.
ah, understandable
Ooh, Hot Potato.
Dog pooped on the lawn?
Learning the ropes at Bedwars. Now I can finally further enjoy team spirit away from Survival :D
Um, where did you go?
Why has Mineverse been so underused lately? :(
I never knew I could fap to planes until I saw the B-1 Lancer and Tu-160 White Swan.
Congratz on your collab with muthafrickin Tobu!
I use the line "LOVE ME" waaaay to often to get friends. You know what? It actually frickin works every time LOL
Some evidence here. Was not recording at time of incident, but this is definite proof because I watched it happen. And under the structure thingy...
aac_2015 and lukecos have been doing the latter on Mineverse survival on 19 February at 1220 GMT. Statements included attempts to circumvent the...
Where are me likes at?
Love me!