What is this place...
Thanks, I didn't get the "forums wont do anything" message in that haha. I emailed before I reported, and have only gotten automated messages...
@MR_B3N_123 since I've emailed support about my town and gotten no help. 13 now lol
Lol idc we can move haha, I just want my stuff. They can be babies if they want lmao
12 days c:
9. Days.
Day 9 after multiple email bumps and still no help. Cyp pls ;-;
Its alright thanks for letting me know c: I emailed support 5 or 6 days ago and have bumped the email a few times xD
I know c: xD
"Bye loser" -Clxrity on Bruhs profile??
Bump. Over 4 days with no response.
Over 4 days since ive emailed support and reported, still not a single response. Nice.
When its been over three days and you still dont have the town you own
My brother just rubbed a banana on my shirt... I turned around and punched him cause it startled me. Dont rustle my jimmies bois
RIP me
Bump, really need this fixed ;-; <3
The Papi was here.
Don't worry, I'm still Anon c: <33 xD