Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: HolmliaLetsGOO The offender's exact ingame name: Fexup...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: My name is Harassedbymom The offender's ingame name is: Wungsan Wungsan...
omg support!
whats ur channel then?
it was invalid af my ign is Quriix ss me rn
why did u ban me? I was clearly not hacking and where is the proof?
I dont wanna start arguing with you, get out and play.
u dont
dogsheet is not even hacking
maybe it's a bit unaccurate but yeah, this is just my opinion
nawww ur 1st
1. @intensions 2. @Popperz 3. @BLAZExSTORM 4. @Herf 5. @Foils 6. @MOMVERZIIDE (just changed name) AKA DogSheet 7. @ChiChay 8. @Keewey 9....
name:NorwegianCombo age 13 ign: NorwegianCombo age: 13 way 8f contact: skype strengths: u guys know me, lol but sometimes I get super gr8...
PLZ new kitpvp map<333