I will xD In about 2 weeks that is, when Uni starts again ^^
Hey :D
geekgirl's base that is
Lol you liar. Btw, I found your old base ^^
Yeah, remember how I fixed it all up? Well, omqButter (whom you tp'd) ended up teleporting MAxamul and Sircles and others who then obliterated it.
Your base was destroyed after you tpd OmqButter to it.
I had alot of items, DCs of Spawn eggs, Spawners, DCs of Cobble and potions and Dia Armor and destroying lockette is just cheating.
Your ingame name: PhilthyPhildo The offender's exact ingame name: Sircles A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They griefed...
No support cause you suck! Jks ily xD