@BlackZone Is mineverse down?????????????
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: hyrdropython04 The offender's exact ingame name:...
http://imgur.com/a/0aUQp Here is the link random d
Yes I do How do i post them without going over limit?
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: hydropython04 The offender's exact ingame name:...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Here is another screenshot Heres another one
Linux are u ok?????
Question: Am i lobby banned? I cant connect to the server Ign: hydropython04 and if i am, what did i do xD
My IGN: hyrdropythono4 Scammer IGN: Pure_Champion What did he do: Pure_Champion basically scammed me off of a Tomahawk. I needed one in my...
MY ign: hyrdropython04 Hackers IGN: FARES_SKY What did he do: He ran across water in kit archer... This makes him a hacker
my ign: hyrdropython04 WolfSuchti threatened to ddos me and reveal my ip address after i accused him of hacking.
lol. the time changed :/ this is weird. First it said i was banend for 4 weeks, then it said i was banned on the 16th, now the 18th. so weird
smoking too much weed bruh? xD
thanks bro
i wasnt on september 16th tho. I had school ... i dont think that time is right..... :( :? :/
Is there a reason that i cannot log onto MV? Am i lobby banned or something. Stuck on log in sign and then says disconnected. ign- hyrdropython04
No need. Im back. Watch out in archerpvp
Well I'm proud to say that a generous person gave me his alt to keep! Im back!