Hi! I have made this post because I, Rhythm_Skelly, am changing accounts. This is currently a shared account (it belongs to a few people), and so...
1. In-game name: Rhythm_Skelly 2. Offenders in-game name: Aymanes 3. This player was using various hacks in order to make the game unfair. 4....
I'm actually going to try to apply soon. I have no idea when exactly, but I would love to apply to help the server even more
*When you record a video, but suddenly, your computer shuts down and gets rid of it before it uploads.* :p
That sounds reasonable. Thank you guys so much for the help :D
So, I am frequently uploading reports that use videos recorded by me, Rhythm_Skelly, and put up on my channel. I have noticed, though, that these...
1. In-game name: Rhythm_Skelly 2. Offender's in-game name: lukegarber 3. Using various hacks to make the game unfair and not fun. Hacks include...
1. In-game name: Rhythm_Skelly 2. Offenders in-game name: ACoggy 3. While playing bedwars, ACoggy constantly was using hacks, which includes but...
Yes, that would be fine. Sorry for the late response
1. In-game name: Rhythm_Skelly 2. Offender's In-game name: Seitenshii 3. Rule broken: The rule broken by Seitenshii was hacking. As shown in the...
Okay, very sorry about that. I'll redo this on another thread
Recently, while playing bedwars, i came across a player named Seitenshii, who was, as I was playing, hacking in-game. The attached video shows how...
Is that better?
In a game of Bedwars I happened to notice a hacker. They go by the name of Infinity_Mika and they clearly have Anti Knock back, No slow, and Kill...
Update: I have read other posts and seen that NoobCrew is taking care of the situation. Sorry about the "Duplicate" post!
Recently, I have found that the glass in bedwars is unbreakable. This development has caused many people to trap, cover beds, and do other things...
People should be banned if they hack on minigames period.
Today, I was playing bedwars, and I found a hacker named Pelado. The video below shows him hacking around the time 1:39 (in minutes). I also have...
When people think you hack when your just better than them.
Mineverse, you got to up your defense against hackers because this is getting out of control with all the hackers making the server not fun